Show You the Money: Part One

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OK, this is a quick one. No picture, sorry.

I’m still in ‘Hell’ (that week seems to get longer and longer) so I won’t be writing a real post until later this week. But just so you know, I’m going to write about handling your finances and doing your taxes if you are a freelance artist. This was after getting an email from one of my wonderful readers asking for such advice.

And I’m here to give it. Cause I’m that kind of guy…er, gal. 😉

Seeing it’s tax time and all (note to self: must do taxes), I figured it was a great way to answer her questions and get up a meaty post. I sure don’t know everything about the subject, but I’ll tell you how I handle all that ‘money’ stuff.

And I’m not in jail yet, so I must be doing something right. Wesley Snipes could have used this advice.

In the meantime, the folks at FreelanceSwitch seem to be writing about this very thing these days. So take a look at these posts first and I’ll give you my two cents later. Keep in mind, they don’t write about animation specifically, but there’s great freelancing & money advice there. Check these out.

How to Save: A Short Guide for Freelancers

Transitions: Saving for the Freelance Future

(UPDATE: Some of the advice is geared towards Americans. Fear not, fellow Canadians…I’ll give some of our savings options too.)

If you have any questions about money and stuff, leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer.

See you later this week…if I survive.

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4 thoughts on “Show You the Money: Part One

  1. Ivan

    Great post. Hitting a dry spell now, so this is a definitely a good read. Now if I can just apply it.


  2. Karen J Lloyd Post author

    Hey Ivan! Long time no see. Glad to see your name here in the ol’ comment section again.

    Ahh…gotta love the dry spell, huh?


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