This is Adrien’s final post for the series “Getting the J-O-B”. He gives the view for the live-action film industry to follow up my article on The Right Attitude in animation. We’ve covered training, portfolios, professionalism and contacts in the industry. You’ll find the rest of the articles by myself and Adrien at the end of the post. – KJL
Sometimes, it’s really hard to keep up the brave face on a project. Even when it’s a great project, the production can take a real toll on you. Things get behind, you work stupid hours, and you’re not seeing your family. When your little one complains that you aren’t home much, it can be really hard to show up to work with a smile on your face.
There is no quick solution to this one.
And that’s just one example. There are so many things that can go wrong on a movie that can make your life a pure living hell.
I have never really run into anyone who had a particularly bad attitude on a movie. There are so much politics involved in making one, most of us realize that if we spout off crap all day, (especially about how the script sucks) we just won’t be workin’ on it very long.
You are replaceable.
Just remember that. Oh, and when you go take a leak, as you wash your hands, look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I get paid to draw pictures for f— sake. Life’s not so bad.” That always works for me.
I also recommend that you work on your own stuff to be fresh.
Make sure it’s very self-indulgent. A real project that you can sink your heart into. This will allow you to put some purpose into being a hand-slave all day. You can say there really is a reason you draw all day (and sometimes all night). And that is so you can have the luxury of making your own stuff.
The future is not in drawing boards, people!
The future…your future, is in IDEAS!
Have some and build on them. Take the money you earn from boarding and develop the ideas. Myself, I make movies. I spend my own money and that’s what I make. I’ve made 5 of them and they’ve made me no money! But dammit if I don’t love doing it.
You can check them out here:
This completes this series about “Getting the J-O-B”…whew. Subscribe to the RSS feed or by email to see what’s to come! – KJL
Here are the other posts in this series:
Getting the J-O-B Part 1: Five Key Things You Need to Storyboard Professionally
The Live-Action Go-to-Guy’s P.O.V. on Training
Getting the J-O-B Part 2: Building a Storyboard Portfolio
The Live-Action Go-to-Guy’s P.O.V. on Portfolios
Getting the J-O-B Part 3: Professionalism in Animation…or Anywhere
The Live-Action Go-to-Guy’s P.O.V. on Professionalism
Getting the J-O-B Part 4: Contacts in the Industry
The Live-Action Go-to-Guy’s P.O.V. on Contacts in the Industry
The Live-Action Go-to-Guy’s P.O.V. on Contacts in the Industry-Part 2: Unions and Film Commissions
Getting the J-O-B Part 5: The Right Attitude
Good advice!
thanks, DEBI!
I have no idea what I’ll be writing on next, but I hope it will be intereting. Any ideas? Anything you’d like me to write on?
Well, you can always spill the beans about the X-Files movie. 🙂
Anything you like guy…maybe some cool drawing tips or if you have something to add about the whole free thing (the subject of protecting yourself with a contract came up…any advice?). Just fire it off to me…hell week is a-comin’ so I’d appreciate it too.
Wow, I just came across these wonderful and informative articles!
Adrien and Karen–thanks so much for putting them together!
It ain’t easy finding good info for the budding storyboard artist, but this is fantastic.
Thanks so much!
You’re very welcome Jeremiah!
So glad you found the site and these articles were helpful. 🙂
Hope you return!
Karen and Adrien,
Truly a gold mine of info. I’ve been into drawing, theatre and storytelling my whole life and have recently considered storyboarding. Reading about the reality and technical aspects of the industry has been a breath of fresh air, and rather exciting. So, thank you! Aspiring individuals need posts like these.
– Luke
Thanks Luke! You’re very welcome. 🙂
Adrien might be contributing a post or two in the near future, so be on the look out.