Aniboom and Radiohead Music Video Contest

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This was first brought to my attention by Will over at Calico Monkey and ToonBoom Tutorials (check him out if you’re interested in making your own cartoons online).

Then Aniboom contacted me direct to place an ad for the contest on my site. It’s pretty cool they found my little storyboard blog…and I get a link on their site to boot. So what the heck. 🙂

It’s a contest to create a Radiohead music video for a song off their album In Rainbows and it’s hosted by Aniboom. I can be a bit leary about ‘contests’, but this one looks pretty good.

At first they just want an animatic/storyboard that will be voted on by Radiohead, Aniboom and its community. Then the top ten winners get some cash to animate one minute of their idea. The final winner gets $10,000 to produce the whole shebang.

If you feel uneasy about the animating part and just want to storyboard it out, they even have a place to find someone to partner up with. Submissions end April 27, 2008.

If this is something that perks your interest, check out the Aniboom link or ad for all the details!

5 thoughts on “Aniboom and Radiohead Music Video Contest

  1. Will

    Thank you for the links. I think this contest will really help to put Aniboom on the map as well. They’re getting a ton of traffic from sites like CNN and MTV who are reporting on the contest. It would be nice if more sites like this had storyboarding (or animatic) contest instead of requiring a completed animation.

  2. T. Benjamin Larsen

    Great link Karen and I would really loved to have a go at this one. Unfortunately the deadline is too close for me as I’m swamped with stuff to do. Thanks anyway – I’ll certainly check in on Aniboom regularly from now on. 🙂

  3. KJL Post author

    You’re very welcome Will.

    I totally agree. It shows some respect to the artists by only calling for storyboards at first. Complete animation is far too time consuming for a slight chance at a prize. That’s where other contests can look like a scam. Hopefully it can start a new trend and get more storyboards seen too!

    Ben…I know how you feel. I might be inclined to try myself but I’m far too busy doing my ‘work’ boards to squeeze out another one!

  4. Debi

    Where was this when I had nothing do to?!

    It looks very cool and as you guys said, it’s great that storyboard artists are being recognized. I hope more pop up when I’m also a bit less swamped.

    Thanks for the heads up!

  5. KJL Post author

    Debi, it’s better to be swamped with paying work than to do contests I think. If you’re a pro storyboarder, your time is valuable and worth something…remember that! Glad to hear you’re busy BTW.

    But for the hobbyist or beginner that loves Radiohead…go for it. Of course, if you’re between jobs and are interested, then have at it too.

    It’s a fine line with this kind of thing but it seemed like not a bad contest overall. Hoping to get a bit of exposure with the link exchange. 😉

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